Monday, October 01, 2012

After a typhoon

Yesterday Japan was visited by a typhoon.  I started battening down the patio furniture and the potted plants in the afternoon and by 5 the sky was dark and the wind was roaring. Choco came in early and I brought Patora and Toi into my sewing room for the night (and Patora promptly ate one of my patchwork patterns and ripped up my embroidery thread bag...She has stress issues.) All the animals stayed warm and dry.

Our part of Japan doesn't get too much damage from typhoons... I don't know why... the layout of the land or the surrounding mountains protect us... but still I always think about my pear farmer friends and hope that their crop of pears has held on.  We live in apple country too and I know the apple farmers are worried when a typhoon strikes.

Tetsu and Choco and I got an early start this morning and found a full moon hanging over the fields greeting us.  Is this too dark to post (it was pretty dark when we started our walk!)

The Higanbana were dripping and all tipped to the side from fighting the strong winds.  

By the time we walked to look out at Mt. Nantai the sky was a little brighter.

In the other direction, the remaining typhoon clouds were lovely in the early morning light.

And today, in front of our house, the yard and road is littered with dropped chestnuts and leaves.

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